The Average American Penis Size

The Average American Penis Size

Just how are you supposed to discover the real truth about the average American penis size when there are so many crazy rumors flying around?

Well, let me finally put the record straight for all of those who really do want to know genuine and fact-based statistics about the average penis size instead of listening to a whole load of unsubstantiated hype.

 The average American penis is four inches long when erect, according to a new study of 1,661 men.

The study, published online July 10 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, agrees with results from previous penis size studies.

Penis size has been the subject of dozens of studies, as well as countless urban legends, myths and spam emails. For many men, the idea of ​​not measuring can be very alarming.

But whether penis size really matters to a male sexual partner is debatable. Several studies have shown that women who have vaginal orgasms do so more consistently than men with a wider range. [Macho Man: 10 Wild Facts About His Body]

Another study shows that bigger isn't always better: one study found that the ideal penis size depends on a man's height, and another has shown that for most women, circumference matters more than length.

Sequential findings

In the new study, Debbie Herbenick, a researcher at Indiana University, and colleagues asked 1,661 men to measure the length and circumference of their penises for condom placement. (Men submit their data online.) During the measurement, some men were with partners or "friends," although most used the do-it-yourself method of getting an erection.

Not surprisingly, penises come in all shapes and sizes. The smallest erect penis in this study was about 4 cm long and the largest length was 26 cm.

The average penis thickness is about 12.2 cm.

In addition, not all erections are created equal, the study found. Different methods of getting an erection can result in different measurements - men in the study who were aroused by oral sex reported a larger average penis size than those who achieved fantasy erections, Herbenick said.

"We don't know whether that means men who have oral sex are more passionate and get bigger erections, or that men with bigger penises can have more oral sex at all." Herbenic tells LiveScience.

Previous measurements

The study found that other characteristics of a man, such as race or orientation, are not good predictors of penis size.

Men's penis size is a well-defined area of ​​research, says Herbenick. Now he wants to collect data on female genitals.

"It would be better for women to have good data to show, 'Hey, there are as many variations for female genitalia as they are for men," says Herbenick.

Medium Men's Penis: Big Mistake!

The biggest mistake most men make is paying attention to all these penis enlargement websites or sites that have to do with selling products designed to give users a bigger penis. This is the last way to find out the truth about the average penis size.

This website is there to make sales. That's all they want to do, and if that means lying, so be it. I recently saw a certain penis pill advertised as "Guaranteed to really enlarge the penis in 4 weeks" ... Really?

Their job is to make you feel inadequate and to encourage you to buy their product. They don't care whether you are an average man with an average male penis size or not and they are literally ready to take the wrong path just to make you feel like you need to buy their product to get a bigger penis. reach and enlarge it. greatness to everyone.

He finally revealed the average size of his penis

OK, now that you know where it is not necessary to look if you are measuring the average male penis size. So where should you look? For recognized experts, of course!

Masters and Johnson, Alfred Kinsey, and many other groups of urologists have provided fairly correct information about average penis size without thinking of looking elsewhere. Let's look at a brief description of their results:

The average male penis size is sluggish

The average size of a man's penis in a relaxed state is between 3 and 4 inches, measured from base to tip; The actual average figure is calculated to be 3.75 inches.

Keep in mind that certain circumstances can affect this measurement, such as: B. Very cold or hot weather and swimming in cold water, and remember that some boys just have a bigger penis than others, are more likely to be bigger or thicker than any other man.

Misconception about the average size of a man's penis

When Masters and Johnson ran their own tests on more than 300 older men, not only for the average male penis size but for a variety of sexual problems, they confirmed the misconception that African American men are more or less blessed with thicker. Penis as a Caucasian; and older men naturally have bigger penises. These two common lies are related to the average size of a man's penis.

This is definitely not the case for bigger men with bigger penises. Check these results for the average size of a man's penis when it relaxes.

A thin man only 5'7 "has the highest flabby height of 5.5 inches

The tall, squatting man, 5'11 ", has the smallest flaccid height of 2.25".

The average size of a man's penis when straight

So what about the time of an erection if this is a true fact about the average size of a man's penis in a relaxed state? When relaxed, does a bigger penis become a bigger penis when it's straight? Surprisingly, this doesn't seem to be the case at all since the "average system" began;

A smaller flaccid penis will grow 100% in length if it is straight

Larger, flaccid penises only grow to 75% of their length when erect

The result is that, measured from tip to base in an upright position, the average penis measures between 6 and 7 inches in length and the exact size of the "dead" is 6.5 inches.

The average size of a man's penis "equalizer system"

The good news for anyone who cares deeply about the circumference and length of their penis, and whether they are measured by the average male penis size, is that no matter how big or small you are, nature provides a system. feel relaxed when it comes to "show time", the natural equalizer system starts and all the boys can play in the same conditions. Relax and enjoy yourself with a clear conscience.

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